Lent 5. Order for Worship. LCOS. March 21st. 2021
Presiding Minister: Pastor Jose Luis La Torre Cuadros
Minister of Music: Naoko Okada Readers: Roger Swain and Barbara Beauregard.
Please download and print or keep open the attached bulletin, and then follow the order of worship. There are parts that you need to read using your printed bulletin and other parts you follow Pastor and Music Director clicking on the links of the pre-recorded hymns, sermon and prayers.
1. Silent Meditation/Prelude. “Prayer” by G.Karganov Piano solo/ Naoko Okada
2. Gathering Hymn: Click on the link Hymn # 334 (1,2 and 3) “ tree of life and awesome mystery
3. Pastoral Greeting and Prayer of the Day: Open your bulletin and click on the link
4. Readings: Read your bulletins and you can click on the link to watch the readings.
5. Gospel: Read your bulletins and you can click on the link to watch the reading:
6. Special Music: “Behold the Lamb” LCOS Choir
7. Sermon: Printed in the bulletin and also you can click on the link to watch it.
8. Creed: Read your bulletins
9. Hymn of the Day: Click on the link Hymn # 330 “Seed that in Earth is Dying “
10. Prayers of Intercession, Blessing and Sending: open your bulletin and click on the link
11. Sending Hymn: Click on the link Hymn # 537 “On Our Way Rejoicing”
12. Offering: You can send us your offering by mail or online using the following link (click on Giving):
13. El Evangelio y la Meditación del Domingo: